ApproxTool, version 3.0
- Added ability to toggle zoom in/out.
- Added point panel for every point added to approximates.
- Added ability to specify uniform (or not) spacing.
ApproxTool, version 2.9
- Added line width option.
ApproxTool, version 2.8.4
versions 2.8, 2.81, 2.8.2, and 2.8.3 not released
- Added option to see Legendre nodes .
- Added error messages if exceeding degree 19
- Slightly different look/feel
- Recoded many things that should be transparent to user.
- Uses latest parser from
- Grayed out boxes where values cannot be changed.
ApproxTool, version 2.7
- Corrected bug when updating xmin and xmax.
- Added error message if interval [a,b] is not in [xmin, xmax]
ApproxTool, version 2.6
- Added ability to update domain/range of graph by inputting values into textfields and either clicking the "return" key or moving mouse outside of textfield boundaries.
- Fixed bug in Least Squares. It now works properly
- Fixed bug in caclculation of max error.
- New function definitions update more intuitively.
ApproxTool, version 2.5
- Added Chebyshev polynomials
- Added Taylor polynomials
- Added Legendre polynomials.