Version 3.0
- Converted to application.
- Fixed bug where manual input of strength would not update slider.
Version 2.3
- Added option to test every pixel for contour.
- Added "jump test" in contour algorithm. If function values on cell have too big a derivative, I assume a singularity has been detected
Version 2.2
- Fixed problem with equipotential lines in strip domain.
Version 2.15
- Removed label with # points output.
Version 2.1
- Added ability to insert source/sinks in interior of half plane, quadrant, and strip.
Version 2.0
- I'm now using a contour scheme to compute flow lines and equipotential lines.
- Changed font, width, and location of update and remove buttons.
Version 1.2
- Bug associated with choosing "Strip" region has been fixed.
- Grapher is scaled properly with choice of region.
- User can now adjust differential equation solver parameters.
- Change in layout.
Version 1.1
- Added whole plane option.
- Fixed bug for quadrant option.
- Added ability for sinks that do not attract source flows to attract flows from infinity.
- Change in layout.
FlowTool, version 1.0
- Choice of three domains
- User inputs source/sinks
- Sliders to alter strength of each source/sink
- User can drag source/strength to move locations.