Version 3.0
- Converted to application.
Version 2.8
- Added check for infinity and NaN to escape criterion.
- Changed from 16 decimals to 12 decimals on iter pane.
- Number of orbits can now increase up to 40,000.
Version 2.7
- Fixed bug that caused the domain/ranges of dynamic and parameter plane to update improperly when changing functions.
Version 2.6
- ctrl+click means "reset center on zoom panel and do not zoom."
- Added label to zoom panel.
- Scientific notation on iter pane changed from "1.23E03" to "1.23 E03".
- Applet title is now "Parameter Plane and Julia Set."
Version 2.5
- Uses latest formatting for iteration panes.
- Change color of fixed points to purple.
- Changed wording from "Delay between iterations" to "Delay between path steps."
Version 2.4
- Changed wording of "escape radius" to "escape lines" for transcendental functions.
- Change representation of escape criterion from circle to lines for transcendental functions.
Version 2.3
Version 2.2
- Deleted graph settings on menu bar
- Added min iterations option for Dynamic plane
Version 2.1
- Change of font sizes
Version 2.0
- Fixed bug where borders of thumbnails were not updated properly when thumbnails were created or retored.
- Menu bar added. User can save graphs or screen shots of applet with a mouse click.
Version 1.0
- Using latest versions of domain/range menus, grapher beans, and function fields.
- "Default Domain" now becomes "Default View"
- The "version 1.0" designation could have been given long ago. I'm just now getting around to recognizing this.
Version 0.985
- Changed label "c=" to "w=" for exponent w.
Version 0.98
- Added function z^w+c (where w can be complex valued) to drop down menu.
Version 0.97
- I fixed bug when zooming in beyond 10^(-8) cased some internal rounding errors.
Version 0.96
- Fixed bug in z^d+c/z^m function where d and m were not updated properly
- I reluctantly changed the name of the Stankewitz number to "color sample rate."
Version 0.95
- I totally re-did how I was creating the thumbnails in order to cast out more thumbnail demons.
- zWhen restoring a thumbnail using z^d+c or z^d+c/z^m and the thumbnail has a value for d (or m) that is inconsistent with current graphers, the current graphers are forced to be in sync with the restored thumbnail.
- The user has the ability to control the Stankewitz number. This will determine how many colors of the color palette will be sampled. For example, a value of 2 means that every other color will be used. A value of 3 means that every third color will be used.
Version 0.94
- Verstion 0.93 was never released.
- z^d+c/z^m has been added as a function option.
- Thumnbnail demons have been exorcised (I hope).
- ctrl+click when zooming puts cursor location in zoom panel "Default" fields. Otherwise, the default fields do *not* automatically change.
- Thumbnails are created when zooming via mouse wheel rotation.
- Inadvertent mouse drags which create very small zooming boxes no longer zoom in/out.
- Critical orbit is now properly updated when changing between functions.
Version 0.92
- Critical orbits would not always start at appropriate place when toggling between functions. This has been fixed.
- New color scheme (based on old one) has been implemented.
- Size of some labels/buttons has been changed.
- Zoom box did not disappear when using very small-sized zooms. This has been fixed.
- Fixed points are now updated when restoring a thumbnail.
Version 0.91
- Fixed restore thumbnail bugs.
- Added separate black/white plot options for parameter and dynamic planes
- Add change in border color to most recently restored thumbnail.
- Colors of zoom rectangles, critical orbit, and escape radius have all changed for black/white plots.
- Decreased default orbit tolerance for determination of periodicity.
Version 0.9
- Corrected bug in period calculation.
- Changed title of button to "Delete all thumbnails".
- Corrected bug for calculating fixed points along a path and eliminated calculation for all but z^2+c case.
- Default number of path steps in transcendental functions is 5.
- Orbits 1 and 2 are now zeroed out when changing c value in Mandelbrot set.
Version 0.8.1
- "Get Orbit Data" buttons removed.
- If current picture does not have associate thumbnail, this is now created when enlarging an existing thumbnail
Version 0.8
- "Get Orbit Data" buttons removed.
- Algorithm for generating thumbnails is revised using the principle "generate a thumbnail when a a picture is changed that does not currently have a thumbnail.
- Added "Remove all" button for thumbnails.
- Max number of thumbnails has been increase to 30.
- Border of most recently created thumbnail is colored white. This tells user which (if any) thumbnail will be eliminated with next thumbnail creation.
- Orbit 1 and Orbit 2 iteration panes have been combined into one pane.
- Escape radius has been converted into escape radius for dynamic plane and escape radius for parameter plane.
- When switching generating functions, orbit data is now updated automatically.
- To avoid accidental drag that results in a zoom, user must drag rectangle at least 2 pixels for zoom to commmence.
- Revised order/color of settings panel.
Version 0.7
- Orbit data is automatically updated in iteration panes.
- Fixed "update" button so that fixed points update properly.
- Updating c value and then clicking on Mandelbrot set produced incorrect path. This has been fixed.
Version 0.6
- Thumbnails now appear when zooming via clicking or dragging.
- Functions ce^z, c*cos(z), and c*sin(z) now work properly.
- Period calculation changed and (hopefully) improved.
- Calculation of critical orbit always occurs to max orbit iter. Calcuation of orbit1 and orbit 2 now only occurs when using iteration buttons.
Version 0.5
- Black/white plots option added
- Added user control of max iterations for Mandelbrot set, Julia set, and orbit.
- Added data panel for various orbits.
- Plot of fixed points.
- Fixed several bugs.
- Re-wrote graphing engine some.
Version 0.4
- Not released.
Version 0.3
- Zoom by dragging rectangle that maintains relative dimensions of window.
- Add two additional orbits.
- Zooming on julia sets is activated
- Additional function options have been implemented.
Version 0.2
- Zooming by right/left click, scrolling track wheel on mouse or moving slider on zoom panel
- Zoom by dragging cursor
- Different color scheme
- Ability to move crosshairs in Mandelbrot set via clicking on arrows.
- Graph of orbits
- Option to display escape radius
- Option to connect orbit points
- Faster execution.
- Cleaned up drop-down menu for function options. But only one option!
Version 0.1
- Generates Mandelbrot and Julia sets.
- Click on Mandlebrot set and cursor moves to new spot, animating both sets as it moves.