Version 3.0
- New 3D libraries used (1.6.0)
- Drop-down domain menu bar is JComboBox extension and now longer uses AWT
- Cleaned up bugs related to changing items in drop-down domain menu.
- Cleaned up transparency issues wtih some labels.
Version 2.3
- Changed number of tilings on WE(p,q) tab for preset function p=1/(1-z^4), q=iz.
- "Show tilings" box and "Multiply q(z) by e^(iw)" box cannot now be simultaneously checked.
Version 2.2
- Created PC and Mac stand-alone versions.
Version 2.1
- Corrected tiling issue for Scherk's doubly periodic surface.
- Fixed issue on Complex P. Surf tab with Sherk's singly periodic option.
- Eliminated Enneper's 2 surface.
- Eliminated hole in Scherk's doubly periodic surface.
Version 2.0
- Added ability to tile Scherk's doubly and singly periodic surfaces. on We(p,q) tab.
- Fixed bug occuring when using e^(i*omega) slider on WE(p,q) tab for Scherk's doubly and singly periodic surfaces.
Version 1.4
- Limited value of n for various functions that have the ability increase/decrease n.
- Fixed bug occuring when using e^(i*omega) slider on WE(p,q) tab.
- Removed "e^(i^\theta)" from function definition of last preset function on WE(p,q) tab.
- Fixed typo on last preset function on WE(G,dh) tab.
- Changed min radius from 0.01 to 0.0001 on second to last preset function on WE)G,dh) tab.
- Fixed bug occuring when trying to re-graph first pre-set function on WE(G,dh) tab.
- Removed default values in p,q, G,dH, h, and g fields.
Version 1.3
- New color and light scheme changed to one similar to DiffGeomTool.
- On WE(p,q) tab, added p=1, q=i*z
- Changed transparency scheme to one similar to DiffGeomTool.
- Fixed problems with pre-selected function menus on all tabs.
- On WE(G,dh) tab, added G=z^4 and dh=z^2dh to pre-set function menu.
- On WE(G,dh) tab, added ability to plot radial lines.
- On WE(h,g) tab, added h=z and g=z^3/3 to pre-set function menu.
- Cleaned up functionality of +/- buttons on WE(p,q) and WE(h,g) tabs.
- On WE(h,g) tab added ability to specify initial condition for z.
- On WE(h,g) tab, fixed definition for Scherk's doubly periodic surface.
- On WE(h,g) tab, added ability to view both surface and project, surface only, or projection only.
Version 1.2
- This version is now (downwards) compatible with Java3D 1.3.1. This allows it to run on Mac OS X.
Version 1.1
- Added new color scheme based on z-values of surface.
- Added lighting and changed default transparency for aesthetic reasons.
- Fixed bug that occurred on WE(p,q) when increasing value for n. The color scheme changed when increasing n; this has been fixed.
Version 1.0
- Added new color scheme based on z-values of surface.
- Default functions for each tab have been updated according to Michael's requests.
Version 0.9
- Added light/shading to surfaces.
- Added automatic zooming of surfaces to place in proper perspective.
- Added square root field to WE(h,g) tab to deal with branch cut issues
- Cleaned up many of the pre-set functions to include better domain/ranges for each choice.
- "Last info" is not tracked so that when switching between tabs, functions are displayed properly
- Default functions for each tab have been updated according to Michael's requests.
Version 0.8
- Changed "log(z)" to mean "log base e". This is reflected in the function choice menu.
- Automatic zooming to fit surface in window is implemented
- Added transparency slider
Version 0.7
- Made functions in WE(h,g) tab and Complex P Surf tab look nicer.
- Some problems due to branch cut of sqrt() and arg(z) remain.
Version 0.6
- Made WE(G,dh) tab functional.
- Added ability to input functions of z, r, and theta for initial value fields.
Version 0.5
- Converted parametric surface tab wo WE (G,dh) tab (but not yet functional)
- Re-labeled other tabs
- Added input boxes for initial conditions necessary for radial solvers on WE(p,q) tab
- Scrubbed pre-set functions on WE(p,q) tab so that all seem to be working properly.
Version 0.4
- Update to Java jre 1.6.0_13 broke applet. This has been fixed.
Version 0.3
- Downgraded Java requirements from Java 6 to Java 5 in order to make Mac compatible.
Version 0.2
- Tabs to graph parametric surfaces, Weierstrass-Enneper I surfaces, Weierstrass-Enneper II surfaces, and Complex-valued parametric surfaces.
- Zooming by right/left clicks and mouse wheel rotation implemented.
- Rotation by left click and drag.
- Translation by right click and drag.
- User ability to choose domain and range for all tabs.
Version 0.1 (not released)