Version 2.0
- Converted to application.
Version 1.1
- Added menu bar.
- Added drop down menu with pre-set functions.
- Format/layout changed some.
- Added ability to change number of points on each circle/ray.
Version 1.0
- Official 1.0 version.
Version 0.5
- Sketch button has been removed as it is no longer necessary.
- Appropriate h+g and h-g labels change as needed.
- Bugs have been zapped that were hiding in the h+g routine.
Version 0.4
- Colors are now color-blind friendly
- Zooming code is now updated This should be transparent to user.
- I added the option to define phi=h-g or phi=h+g
- Sketching in the domain now also appears on both the graph of phi(z) and f(z).
- There is no longer an option for a rectangular grid
- I removed the ability to drag the domain grid around and see changes in phi and f.
Version 0.3
- Changed layout.
- Added greek symbols for phi and omega.
- Fixed drag/sketch bug that caused problems when nothing had been graphed.
- Changed default radius of domain to 0.99 instead of 1.0 in order to avoid singularities
Version 0.2
- Fixed bug in cursor location display for domain.
- Added zoom via clicking and mouse wheel rotation to domain.
Version 0.1
- This is a beta (alpha?) version. The rectangular grid option does not work. Work on dealing with non-integrable singularities needs to happen.