Version 0.3
- Converted to application
Version 0.3
- Color-blind friendly colors are added.
- Max radius for domain is 0.999 instead of 1.0 in order to avoid singularities.
- Roots of omega(z) are shown in the domain instead of the range.
- Zooming is possible for both domain and range.
- Use of domain choice menu that has "Capture view" options.
- Added ability to save screen shots to hard drive via signed applet
Version 0.2
- Added calucation of roots of w(z)
- New layout.
- Number of rays are automatically updated to 8*N-1, where N is the number of points on the star.
- .gif is used for 'omega(z)'
- New options for domain/range
Version 0.1
- Basic functionality-- user can change n, p, and r and see affect on domain and range.
- User can find roots of w(z) and see graphical image of roots.