Workshop 2007 JRE Java Support
Java Applets

Java Workshop


Welcome to the USAFA java workshop!


Download and install NetBeans 5.5


Day 1

The goal for this day is to set up a project, create an applet with some interactivity, and introduce the basic structures of java.

A Word document containg the Day 1 portion of this workshop can be found here.



Day 2

The goal for this lesson is to is to introduce you to some basic java concepts. In particular, we’ll talk about loops, if/then statements, methods, utilizing the Convert class, and using the debugger.

A Word document containing the Day 2 portion of this workshop can be found here.


Day 3

The goal for this lesson is to introduce you to some specific tools will help you develop nice mathematical applets. In particular, we will look at the PlotStuff2D class, the DataGrapher2D class, and other java beans that can be used in tandem with these classes.